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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
Rolling Hills Bank & Trust
Mature couple walking through a garden.

Your Security

Your identity is your business. Helping protect it is ours


Sign up today for ID TheftSmart to detect identity theft and fraudulent activity. In the event that your identity is compromised, ID TheftSmart will work on your behalf to restore your credit. 

Rolling Hills Bank & Trust protects your online accounts

  • Two factor security (multi-factor authentication) includes texting or calling telephones numbers on record to validate your accounts. Once verified we “fingerprint” your device so we can recognize it for future sessions.
  • You will have to re-validate your account any time you log on from a computer or web browser that is not recognized.
  • Rolling Hills Bank & Trust is compliant with the guidelines and regulations of keeping customer information secure.
  • The online banking is monitored 24/7 for any unusual activity.
  • Your user name must contain a minimum of 6 characters, being a mixture alpha, numeric, and select special characters. After several unsuccessful logon attempts, your account is disabled as a precaution.
  • Your session will time out after a specified amount of time due to inactivity.

Be On Guard when you are Online

  • Protect your personal information. To minimize your risk of identity theft, don't share your personal information. Don't reply to or click on links in any email asking for your personal information.
  • Know who you're dealing with. When shopping online, look for a seller's physical address and a working telephone number. Before downloading free software, read the fine print- some downloads come with spyware.
  • Use anti-virus and anti-spyware software, as well as a firewall. Update them all regularly, many update automatically. Look for anti-virus software that removes or quarantines viruses, and for anti-spyware software that can undo changes spyware makes to your system. Make sure your firewall is on and set up properly.
  • Be sure to set up your operating system and Web browser software properly, and update them regularly. Select security settings high enough to reduce your risk of being hacked. Make sure to regularly update your system with the latest patches.
  • Protect your passwords. Keep your passwords in a secure place, and don't share them on the internet, over email, or on the phone.
  • Back up important files. If you have important files stored on your computer, copy them onto a removable disc, and store it in a safe place.

Be On Guard to a possible compromised computer system.

You should be vigilant in monitoring your account activity. You have the ability to detect anomalies or potential fraud prior to or early into an electronic robbery.

Warning signs visible to you that your system may have been compromised include:

  • Inability to log into online banking (thieves could be blocking customer access so the customer won’t see the theft until the criminals have control of the money);
  • Dramatic loss of computer speed;
  • Changes in the way things appear on the screen;
  • Computer locks up so the user is unable to perform any functions;
  • Unexpected rebooting or restarting of the computer;
  • Unexpected request for a one time password (or token) in the middle of an online session;
  • Unusual pop-up messages, especially a message in the middle of a session that says the connection to the bank system is not working (system unavailable, down for maintenance, etc.);
  • New or unexpected toolbars and/or icons; and
  • Inability to shut down or restart the computer.


  • Send an e-mail asking for your personal account information.
  • Ask for your Web password in an e-mail or request it via the phone or U.S. mail.


In the event you notice suspicious activity or experience a security related event contact 1-800-630-1210.


Current Scams:

  • Text Message Scam: Fraudsters are sending out text messages saying there was an unauthorized purchase on one of your accounts and that you should validate or cancel using a link in the message. Please do not click on the link! The link will ask you to put in your personal information which the fraudster will use to scam you